
● 加入會員可享各項會員專屬活動。
● 加入會員可不定時收到好康訊息電子報。
● 加入會員可搶先收到新品折扣訊息。
● 加入會員可直接於網站上查詢訂單處理狀態,節省您寶貴的時間。
● 我們海外宅配到您指定地址,目前配送地區有香港、澳門、新加坡,未來將服務日本等地區。
● 請您留意商品頁內容,我們會將可配送地區標示於裡面。
● 在想要購買的商品頁點選訂購以置入購物車。本購物系統有使用到 cookies 所以您 cookies 功能必須開啟。
● 商店系統於您購入商品時,數量預設為1,你可以自行再更改數量。
● 商品放入購物車後,可以繼續選購其它商品,購物車會自動幫您累計購物明細與金額。
● 請清楚填寫您的收件人相關資料,為確保您的權益,請務必確認訂購產品組合、收件人姓名、地址、聯絡電話等資料填寫正確無誤,如填寫錯誤導致生鮮商品損壞概不負責。。
● 若要變更收件資訊須於出貨前3個工作日告知。
● 所有商品價格已含運費,包括空運或海運,以及陸地配送費用。
● 若是配送地區在香港的非工商地址或者偏遠地區,順豐送貨至府上時會酌收30元港幣的費用。
● 線上刷卡:您可以使用VISA、Master、JCB、銀聯UnionPay所發行的信用卡刷卡。提醒您!按下刷卡確認後,請務必等到最後畫面顯示完成與訂單畫面,中間請勿按返回或按F5重整畫面。
● 您選購的商品皆將依產品屬性採常溫或低溫宅配方式送達您的收貨地點。
● 生鮮商品為保持鮮度,我們採用空運配送。
● 我們合作的物流公司有雅瑪多、順豐。您的收件人資訊將會提供給合作的物流公司以方便配送。
● 物流公司會因應不同地區有不同的派送時間,非工商大廈或偏遠地區則需要額外工作天才能完成派送。物流公司會根據其公司條款會收取收件人額外附加費。
● 離島或偏遠地區,包括但不限於以下地址:屯門區、大嶼山、元朗區、北區、大埔區、離島區、長洲、逸東、東涌、愉景灣、坪洲等地區,需依物流公司配送時段出貨,發貨期將有所延長。
● 以下地區不提供送貨服務,包括但不限於以下地址:羅湖、米埔、文錦渡、打鼓嶺、長洲、吉澳、塔門、南丫島、梅窩、坪洲、喜靈洲、蒲台島、大澳、東龍洲、東平洲、昂船洲、橫頭 磡、黃埔、柯士甸、南昌、啟德、赤臘角、大澳、竹篙灣、半山、舂坎角、大坑、炮台山、山頂、太古城、天后、西營盤、杏花村、八鄉、寶琳、打鼓嶺、大欖、大欖涌、大棠、古洞、禾輋、洪水橋、錦上路、錦田、九肚山、康城、葵芳、葵興、藍地、林村、流浮山、龍鼓灘、落馬洲、馬料水、米埔、牛譚尾、坪輋、屏山、掃管笏、沙頭角、石崗、石門、太和、汀九、文錦渡、廈村、小欖、小瀝源、新田、新墟等地區。
● 由於物流公司不提供新鮮產品暫存放服務,訂購新鮮產品,須提供正確收件人電話及可收貨地址。如未能成功派送,而後因再次派送而產生的額外費用將由收件人負擔。
● 於訂單成立並確認付款後,我們即會盡快安排出貨,商品預計會在2周內(不包含假日)依訂單順序出貨,訂購預購商品會依商品頁標示之時間安排出貨,出貨前會以 簡訊通知(請留下可連絡收件人的手機號碼)。發貨期由我司確認發貨起計7個工作天為準(不包括星期六、日及香港公眾假期)。預購商品大多是新鮮水果和蔬菜。
● 新鮮農產品易受季節與天候因素影響,若受天災及不可抗拒因素發生貨源短缺時,為保持品質穩定,將由本公司主動調整取消或順延交貨期限。若是取消訂單而選擇退刷/退匯款款項,匯差的部份需由消費者吸收,請評估可否接受再下單。
● 若您的訂單包含多樣商品,其中有生鮮預購商品,我們將先安排寄送有現貨的非預購商品,因為生鮮預購品多為季節性採收的蔬果,將依據採收時間作配送。配送前我們會簡訊通知您出貨時間。
● 如果想知道確切到貨日期,敬請在FB私訊或到寫信至客服信箱cs@wonderfulfood.com詢問。
● 商品配送到府後,請儘速檢視商品,若商品本身若有缺失或宅配運送過程中有損毀等情形,並將有缺失或毀損的商品拍照,寄到客服信箱cs@wonderfulfood.com,或於FB私訊反映。
● 食品屬於消耗性商品,由於商品屬性特殊且有保存期限問題,除商品本身外包裝有明顯瑕疵可退換外,一經拆封、食用或消費者造成之外盒變形、失溫或保存不良導致變質, 恕無法退貨。請您見諒。
● 若為有機農產品因採用有機農法栽植,不能使用化學肥料和農藥,故若外觀上稍有瑕疵,乃屬正常狀況,敬請安心食用。
● 由於雅瑪多物流、順豐門市不提供生鮮蔬果暫存放服務,如您訂購生鮮蔬果類產品,請提供可以收貨的地址。
● 為讓消費者享用台灣的新鮮優質農產品,每張訂單將被安排發貨(以交託物流公司為準)一次。生鮮蔬果食品不論任何原因,以致未能成功派送,我們會保存貨品24小時 於運輸公司的倉庫(由送貨時間起計),此限期過後將會把貨品銷毀,任何取貨或退款要求將恕不受理。 請您見諒。
● Eligible to offers exclusive to members.
● Receive new deals updates from Wonderful Food.
● Be the first to get discounts on new products.
● You can check you order status online anytime.
● Currently we ship to Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and will expand our delivery areas to Japan in the near future.
● Applicable shipping area is specified in the merchandise descriptions and details.
● Enable cookies in your browser.
● Put your desired items into shopping cart.
● Update the number of the items you wish to buy.
● Complete the shipping information section: the items, the delivery address, the names and phone number of the recipient. If the receipt information is incorrect, it is not responsible.
● Any changes in shipping must be notified no later than three days prior to the arranged shipping date.
● Shipping is included in the price. It covers air, sea, and land delivery. You will not be charged additional cost of delivery.
● If your delivery address in Hong Kong is at non-business area or remote area, when SF Express delivery to the address, SF Express would charge you additional HKD30. This item is not included in the order price.
● Pay online: We accept Visa, MasterCard, JCB and China UnionPay.
● Bank Transfers or ATM Payment(or Remittance):Payments must be made within four days of ordering online, or your order will be canceled. Once the payment is done, please notify us in the following way. We reserve the right not to process your order if we are unable to validate your payment.
(1) Log in and upload the copy of your ATM or remittance receipt photo to the Order List in My Account.
(2) Send an email to cs@wonderfulfood.com. Please include your order reference number and payment information.
(3) Leave a private massage containing order reference number and payment information on our FB: https://www.facebook.com/WonderfulFoodSelect/
(4) Please make your payment to:
Account No:817-770472-838
Name of the Account Holder: All Food Company Limited
● Your temperature-sensitive order will be delivery refrigerated.
● Perishable merchandise is shipped by air; other than that, your order is shipped via SF Express or Yamato International Logistics Inc.
● The logistic company has different delivery times depending on the region, and non-commercial buildings or remote areas would require additional working days to complete the delivery. The logistics companies charge an additional surcharge for the recipient according its company's terms and conditions.
● If your delivery address is in the outlying islands of Hong Kong (such as Lantau Island, Cheung Chau, Yat Tung, Tung Chung, Discovery Bay, Peng Chau, Hei Ling Chau, Nam Cheung and Po Tai), there is no daily distribution of logistic companies. It depends on logistic companies’ local schedule. We suggest you provide the appropriate address.
● Delivery services are not available in the following areas, including but not limited to the following addresses: Luohu, Maipu, Wenjindu, Taguling, Cheung Chau, Kat O, Tamen, Lamma Island, Mui Wo, Peng Chau, Hei Ling Chau, Po Toi Island, Tai O, Tung Lung Chau, Tung Ping Chau, Stonecutters Island, Wang Tau Estate, Whampoa, Austin, Nam Cheung, Kai Tak, Chek Lap Kok, Tai O, Tai Po, Tai Wan Estate, Tai Po Estate, Tai Hang Estate. Fortress Hill, Peak, Taikoo Shing, Tin Hau, Sai Ying Pun, Xing Hua Cun, Ba Xiang, Bao Lin, Ta Kwu Ling, Tai Lam, Tai Lam Chung, Tai Po, Kiu Tong, Wo Che, Hung Kiu, Kam Shei, Kam Tin, Kowloon. Avalokite, Cannes, Kwai Fong, Kwai Hing, Lam Tin, Lam Tsuen, Lau Fau Shan, Lung Kiu Wan, Lok Ma Chau, Ma Yi Shui, Mai Po, Niu Tan Mei, Ping Po, Ping Shan, Tai Wan, Sha Tau Kiu, Shigang, Shimen, Taihe, Tingjiu, Wenjindu, Xia Cun, Xiaolan, Xiaoliyuan, Xintian, Xinxu and other areas.
● Since the logistics company does not provide fresh product temporary storage service, if ordering fresh products, please must provide the correct recipient's phone number and address. If the delivery is not successful, the additional costs incurred for re-delivery will be charge to the recipient.
● Shipping arrangement will be made once the payment is confirmed. Usually delivery notice within two weeks, excluding weekend and holidays. You would receive the package within 7 days after delivery notice by email or phone message. Please make sure your recipient information correct.
● Shipping of the pre-order items will be delivered according to the scheduled dates on the merchandise information page. You will receive a text notification before its shipment.
● Fruit and vegetables are subject to season and climate change. To ensure quality, estimated shipping dates might be rescheduled.
● If there are both pre-order product and non-preorders in your order, we will arrange to ship in-stock items first. Pre-order items will be scheduled according to merchandise description.
● For specific delivery date, you can send an email to cs@wonderfulfood.com or send a private message to our Facebook.
● Upon receipt of the goods, please check the contents of the parcel if any damage occurs in transit. Should any product received by you suffer from transport damage, please send the photo of the damaged item to cs@wonderfulfood.com or text us on FB.
● Exclusions: We will not be held responsible for
(1) Opened, eaten food
(2) Product damage caused by inappropriate storage & handling after receipt.
(3) Slightly imperfect organic produce: Since no chemical and fertilizer is used, it would be normal if the fruit is not impeccable in appearance.
● Please kindly provide an address where a recipient will be available to sign for the package, no pick-up services for fresh produce at Yamato Logistics and SF Express.
● Unsuccessful delivery of fresh produce will be temporarily stored in the warehouse of the carrier up to 24 hours (starting from the time it is dispatched). Beyond 24 hours, fresh product will be destroyed to ensure food quality and safety. No delivery or refund will be arranged beyond the above specified time. The delivery is arranged ONLY ONE Time with your charge.